Sunday, December 28, 2014

What you need to ask the travel agent when booking a holiday package

Buying a holiday deal online with few clicks isn't gonna make the deal complete, giving attention to the key things and closing them are really a pay off in your holiday time. Give yourself enough time to plan your trip well in advance.

Register these points in  your mind, these are simple but makes your life so easy.

1) If flights are covered in the package, always ask for the first flight on the day of your travel, it helps in giving you more time at the destination to roam around. Taking a mid day flight would some times end up in wasting a full day as you may not take and day tours at the destination.And take a last flight of the day on returning day.

2) Negotiate with the agent for any additional vouchers,discounts, bonuses etc you can claim with the package, take full details of them and book them immediately if possible to secure the slots of your desired time. Travel agents normal do not bother about these add-ons -- though they are mentioned in the holiday package synopsis-- unless you ask for them.

I wanted to let others learn from my mistakes, putting in my lessons learnt from latest holiday trip.
Please comment if you have anything to add. Thanks.

Highlight all the bonuses you need to discuss with travel agent

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